C4 Data, organizations, and SED, DRR, and HA project processes

After thinking about the role of projects, we can look at organizations (businesses) through the lens of a project. In other words, how to look at objects that the project creates.

After completing the project (new, modernized, or reconstructed building), a new organization (new people, new management) appears.

It establishes its processes (production, services, or labor supply) according to its needs and market requirements. The project budget is over. Organizations revive proposed business paths (designed by the project) and later look for ways to exist, protect and develop.

Everything takes place in a predefined data structure in algorithms whose basic steps are almost identical (a data structure of the Human evolving for more than two millennia). 

The organization is built (rebuilt) according to the project of the object, which creates not only people (owners, management, others) but all tangible and intangible assets, including an extraordinary potential ("spark or soul"), which leads the organization to success and resilience.

Organizations thus create, manage, modernize, and further develop a large and, in summary, indescribable (fuzzy) set of data and processes that responds to labor market demand and the stimuli of science and new technologies. All this is in the Great Triad (GT).

This set of data and processes, which are works of the Human, encounters the procedures by which Nature works (primarily their biological functions). All this has a link to the Earth's natural laws, derived from the general rules of matter and energy of the Universe.

We should accept it all to prove that people promote our position and weight in the GT.

For this purpose, we have enough organizations to start suppressing harmful ideologies (see more about the SPIN of Human behavior).  Even though it is about a fuzzy structure, their data environment can help us better understand projects, specifically by applications of their algorithms.

The critical goal is to reveal a high sense of order that the project's principles demonstrate. In connection with digital transformation tasks, the practice we have gained with projects has a higher value than it seems at first glance.

Let's try to prove it with this simplification. Let's divide a set of organizations into groups of institutions and companies. Institutions deal with public service matters, companies’ products, services, and a safe environment for human work.

So far, it does not matter whether companies belong to the private, public, or nonprofit sectors. It is enough to simplify those institutions from common, usually public interests.

At the same time, companies act in a competitive environment according to their principles, procedures, and formal or informal relationships, with links to the countries' legal frameworks where they operate.

It is the path to how organizations create and maintain a legal framework, and institutions and companies (each with their jobs) exist in it.

Both (institutions and companies) as organizations make resulting interactions (financial, political, business, organizational, educational) that enforce, test, and adapt for new requirements, always both in the local and international environment, with the participation of the project's algorithm.

Figures C4 are devoted to finding an approach to capturing, describing, and using the coherence and synergy of the "Organization – Project" relationship and using it for digital transformation.

It is undoubtedly necessary to monitor the data resolution for the Human solutions (needs) and data structures and values that belong to Nature in the environment of the Earth and Universe (e.g., still mysterious Big Data impacts each human population in their historical stages).

We must respect these principles (effects) if we start scaling anything globally (e.g., the time scale is crucial). It protects us from distortions in perceiving space and time around us in different situations. It offers us a structural distinction between things and events around us (see, e.g., these three "water" examples):

  1. I have no water.

  2. No water flows from the tap.

  3. It did not rain for long, and we lost water.

It is an example of a trivial matter but only at first sight. Each item reflects a different problem: (1) my internal feeling, (2) external technical disorder, and (3) global defects in the atmosphere and geological systems.

One story and three causes comment:

  1. One item is proper to live beings "I have water; I need it."

  2. The other is the work of the technology of an empty goblet.

  3. The third cause is the power of Nature and the Earth.

It is essential to distinguish this hierarchy and not mix its levels.

Figures of C4