Prague Project Portfolio Planning Platform

Renewable Energy Sources (RES) for Self-Powered Community (SPC)

Project Preparation and Implementation


5PforRES (Prague Project Portfolio Planning Platform for Renewable Energy Sources)

The Website continues the previous Self-Powered Community (SPC) Concept development started in 2010 (more in Genesis). It follows the Global Digital Transformation (GDT) and Global Human Adaptation (GHA) philosophy challenge (an approach to the 21. Century tasks), reacts to the threats of climate change, and underlines the worldwide debts in Infrastructure development and its maintenance and governance services.

Reacts on the new trends in human-machine communication and uncovers paths for innovations in infrastructure governance via a new project paradigm. Webbook respects links to any other structures staying on or existing above Infrastructure. Offers some ideas on starting the SPC Concept, SPC Utility operations, and SPC Drivers algorithms in the environment and favor of the low-income provinces.

The Self-Powered Community (SPC) Concept definition reflects the broader understanding of the Human position in the Great Triad (GT) environment. The Human is a work of Nature. In the GT environment, he/she has the position of partner with a unique and non-sharing responsibility for the reproduction and sustainability of human civilization in the rare position of Space. He/she is presented as an object using Renewable Energy Sources (RES) for his/her renewability (rebirth of individuals, teams, and collectives) and sustainable existence.

Figure W.1 Great Triad (GT)

The Sun, the Earth, and Nature form a mix of sources and inputs for their functionality, operations, and reproduction. Like any other living creature on the Earth, humans evolved as an object dependent on Renewable Energy Sources (RES). It confirms that RES, in its long-time genesis, fed Nature. The Human, far later and with a short experience, gains the ability to use tools to transform natural energy sources (hidden in the live or buried biomass) for lighting and heat (e.g., fire), and later for electricity production, as a pure form of energy needs for any app.

In each triad, the Human has two positions. The first one looks similar to the positions of Earth and Nature. It is unwinding via processes in each object of the GT at different time dimensions of three interconnected fates (Earth, Nature, and the Human). The second position in the GT allows the Human to share the post of the Observer in GT, witness observations at the As-Is time, and form his/her idea about their To-Be time. It is valid generally; the post of an observer is accessible to any live creature of Nature on Earth. The position of any Observer in other triads (TT and PT) gives the sense only to the Human, bringing him/her needed details for the link of their complex philosophical and day-to-day thinking.

In traditional diction, we understand a renewable energy source, e.g., in a composition of a couple of the Sun and a solar power plant. A solar plant is an object developed by the Human using Renewable Energy Source (RES), the Sun, to produce electricity. Similarly, like the Sun, the Earth's atmosphere and seas are also renewable sources of renewability and sustainability of the life of Nature and all its creatures (including humans). In the Website diction, RESs are complex and complex tasks.

If the Human wants to know, understand, and learn to use them, following the example of Nature, he/she must apply robust engineering and social research and test their apps in the GDT and GHA development processes. One of the paths suggests the Task Triade (TT) below, which is the red line of this Webbook.

Figure W.2 Task Triad (TT)

The Self-Powered Community (SPC) concept (approach) has its own Triade. The SPC is a phenomenon, a human social unit in a specific territory using the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) of the mark "Nature." It is supposed that the SPC will gain (learning) the needed knowledge of its development and safety self-regulation via tools of a distributed system.

The most crucial tool, tested for millennia, is the project. The SPC approach to the Webbook presents the project definition comprehensible to the target group (TG) of projects of the SPC Concept. Preparation and implementation of projects in the provinces is the stakeholders' task and management of the SPC Utility. Setting and governance of these projects is the task of the Final Beneficiaries (FB) in each province.

The SPC project's preparation and implementation processes have the potential of positive synergy effects for the New Project Paradigm (NPP) development and dissemination, not only in the developed territories but also in apps for the need of low-income provinces. The Website maps assumptions for the proposed research of the SPC.

It advocates a model of a distributed network of territorial units (provinces) in a common modus of data standards for planning, construction, and statistics needs of the technical Infrastructure and Governance on local levels. Proposes a standard and uniform project data structure for around one million inhabitants on a territory unit, without weighting differences between large and small provinces and states and urban, suburban, and rural areas where the province is located.

It maps where the infrastructure maintenance and development is running and how the "Infrastructure and Governance (I&G)" process culture adapts to global needs. What presses physical and moral aging, and why do the local inhabitants languish in the development and safety values? The I&G as an object is a crucial worldwide problem to start solving.

To look for ways to put down (destroy) these deficits (bad habits). The Home section introduces the "I&G," and Webbook underlines its priorities. It opens the door for explaining why, e.g., the technical Infrastructure of settlements of people of poor (undeveloped) areas has a deficit in social and economic issues and how the technical and logistic measures could be solved in the link to AI and ML technologies.

Figure W.3 Project Triad (PT)

Project Triad (PT) is, in a nutshell, what we do in the GT in the scope of the TT (in the specific business area) through projects. The tactical and operational framework of the PT model consists of three main dimensions of the project: scope, time, and costs of a project. It is based on the well-known project triad (PT).

A new element can be considered the open entry of projects into the environment of distributed responsibility for demand and implementation of a work (impacts of fluctuation of project's functions) and the growing influence of machines (not only computers) on project results.

The human-machine relationship replaces the classic human-human relationship in processes of responsibility-sharing of the project preparation and implementation. Distributed responsibility causes growth in quantity and diversity of impacts and many changes in the operations of organizations and projects, e.g., in a wide range of fields of construction and statistic. It is directly linked to the Global Digital Transformation (GDT) and Global Human Adaptation (GHA) philosophy (on the project level, it reacts to the threats of climate change and underlines the worldwide debts in Infrastructure and Governance).

The Global Digital Transformation (GDT) and Global Human Adaptation (GHA) philosophies are needed, but the most crucial is gaining partial results and reaching the goal. The goal is to balance GDT and GDA penetration into Human thinking, behavior, and his/her organizations and projects via two other goals of the same triad. The Webbook offers the SPC Concept, SPC Utility, and SPC Drivers apps for the low-income province's social, economic, and safety progresses. It proposes developing, testing, and disseminating the New Project Paradigm (NPP), intending to be the principal tool of processes aimed at the GDT and GHA transformations on both global and local levels.

The Webbook indicates "the path to the goal" through the identification and acquisition of a robust target group (TG) at the global level to prepare a package of information and data for the final beneficiaries (FB) at the local level in a distributed structure of provinces administered by the states. The Webbook intends to solve tasks "Infrastructure and Governance, I&G" via the approach presented as the Self-Powered Community (SPC). So, the Website and its Webbook are built on these two core strategies:

  1. Global Digital Transformation (GDT), together with Global Human Adaptation (GHA), represents the principle of human existence and sustainability in the Great Triad (GT). The I&G is a global task of standard apps in the GDT and GHA processes framework.

  2. The Self-Powered Community approach is a specific proposal for solving I&G's current problems concerning the inputs of new technologies (e.g., Blockchain and Smart Contract) into the integrity of GDT and GHA and human respect for the GT environment.

The NPP is a global task of pilot apps developed for low-income provinces and tested for more comprehensive global utilization.

Figures W1 (GT), W2 (TT), and W3 (PT) characterize the integrity (connectedness) of the philosophy and methodology of projects, which the human community needs to adapt to the entry of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into projects and through them into the acquired values in Infrastructure & Governance. All this is in an environment burdened by growing threats (see Figure C1b.1) and other stimuli brought by the 21st century (for example, in the scope of Figure C2a).

Figure W4 describes the position of the three triads using the atom model in the arrangement of four layers and the circulation of elements (themes) in each layer.

  1. Layer: Faith and Philosophy (in a dark blue field) for the field of Science and Technology,

  2. Layer: Research and Methodology (in the blue field) for the area of Concepts and assignment of Tasks. This layer allows multiple tasks (in addition to the SPC task, two other tasks are considered, see below),

  3. Layer: Structure and Infrastructure (in the light blue field) for the area of Enterprises and Projects,

  4. Layer: Policy and Governance (in the green field), mainly for the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for Human daily life and his/her observations.

Figure W.4 Planet model of Triads in the GHA & GDT environment

Figure W4 is supplemented with a note on the relationship between human reason and emotions. He considers the balance of reason and emotions the optimal relationship (the image depicts emotions using green symbols in the form of clouds) which enter the blue field. At this stage of the text, let's leave the same principle of balance between Homo Sapiens (HS) and Homo Diabolis (HD) expressed by Spin of The Human Behavior (for more, please see Chapter C6) and more profound reflections on the relationship of reason and emotion in humans and the human population to the relevant professional community.

Figure W4 reminds the differences in time disposition of the existence of Earth, Nature, and the Human. It indicates the relativity of truth of any detail (in a landscape, a town, family life) the Observer can see at the time As-Is. No matter if he/she is alone or there are a million observers. Each considers a detail (in a landscape, a town, family life, simply around himself). How these specific views are accepted or managed is a matter of human generations. Generally, there are two positions for each Observer. It is about their self-reflection on the time-space reality and their understanding of the relation between religion and science, primarily when humans react to processes in the Great Triad (GT) environment.

The First is the time resolution (milliards years for the genesis of the Earth and Nature, and almost a real-time capacity, e.g., in several years for the Human). The second is the impact of a threat (disaster) on the recovery of the Earth, Nature, and the Human. It makes sense when we count on the relativity of statistical data generated by one person, individuals, teams, or collectives of observers, and we would like to use such data for prediction to stages To-Be.

Suppose we use the time unit of 30 years (for one generation). In that case, we can see significant differences between the Human population (e.g., on the market changeability display or children of any family) and Nature and Earth (e.g., in the landscape, the mountains, and the oceans). What do I try to say? To confirm that relativity is a characteristic feature of any observation and any Observer in any sector and at any time (e.g., see Table Ex.1).

Figure W4 indicates other options for other tasks on the second level of the planet diagram. Except for the Task Triad (TT), different segments (e.g., triads) can be installed (used) that characterize the most critical issues of the human population. But first, it must be discussed on both public and professional levels. There is only a space to open this issue via the Webbook; it is the first outline of an idea. Two other triads are recommended. The first is focused on an agenda, "Gender and Humility," and the second on "Biodiversity and Science."

"Gender and Humility"

It is about people's self-reflection on their primary function of preserving, being, living, and fighting for their existence in the GT. It is not only about economic issues (e.g., creating profit) through inventions from physics and chemistry but also about the biological essence of humans, male and female, and their positions in the GT environment. Reproduction, parenting young (or young plant), and bringing them to life is the basic principle of the sustainability of co-living nature.

Perhaps an example of two views of similar logical basis, analytical (1) and holistic (2), on how to define the meaning of the word "Gender" will help:

  1. Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls, and boys that are socially constructed. It includes norms, behaviors, and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl, or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time (Joan Wallach Scott, Google).

  2. Gender describes the biological essence of a person's existence and his efforts to persist, develop and care for security in the GT environment.

Holistic, in this example, offers a view on relationships among more elements of one situation in a logical hierarchy. The comprehensive, integrated, complete, or universal theory of all functions in the polarity of couples of Men and Women that they need for their sustainability in the GT environment. Any other elements (features) will respect the breakdown structure reflecting the hierarchy path from complex to detailed approaches and the opposite.

Biodiversity and Science

It is a combination of two objects that, in the hierarchy of human knowledge, offer the most comprehensive approach to understanding the development and ensuring the safety of life in the GT environment. Biodiversity is the diversity of all living things; different plants, animals, and microorganisms, the genetic information they contain, and the ecosystems that make it up in a particular place (in situ) or on Earth (global view).

It is devoted to learning about the diversity of animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms. It sets up a mirror, as it is with Human biodiversity (biological variability), in his individual, team, and collective function (e.g., in soil protection, food procurement, health, hygiene, and elimination wars).

Science is about searching and applying knowledge and understanding of the Earth (Space), Nature, and the Human. For this triad, biodiversity is the primary segment of science. Scientists have long assumed that biodiversity is essential to the stability of natural ecosystems.

It is evidenced by the efforts of the UN, for example, through the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) or the Intergovernmental Platform on Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), to find ways to involve scientists in solving problems. It is a promising start-up for the coming steps.

Dialectics Diagrams

Diagrams work with simple concepts but have very broad (data-rich) content. These must sound simple and unambiguous in the diagrams. They must not be too tied to the variable of "political correctness" or the expediency of "Mainstream pressures."

On the other hand, in order to preserve the long-term validity of diagrams, they should have a pragmatic (philosophical) content with mutually balanced definitions so that the work with diagrams is more focused on logical operations in cycles and can sufficiently deal with non-systematic inputs into the details of individual elements included in the diagram elements, (e.g., for us TG is something completely different than what you present in the diagram).

The consensus on the diagrams must come from an agreement on the logical sequence of selected priorities, their form and content, assessed and defended from multiple perspectives. The goal is substantive discussion and not manipulation of words. That is why work with diagrams includes sifting through the definitions of elements and their interpretation, wherever necessary, to reach the necessary consensus.

In principle, it is nothing revolutionary; only the emphasis on the metric of analytical work is more emphatic. It can be monitored, recorded in the form of data, evaluated by computers, and offers a chance for the entry of "man-machine" operations into strategic decisions at any level (from the individual to the team, and up to collective decisions, including fundamental ones, e.g., at the level of the UN).

Figure W5 presents dialectical diagrams. It offers a logical sequence (priority) of the six vital elements of a cyclical diagram under consensual pressure, which can iterate through repeating cycles into a final commonly acceptable shape. A dynamic classification diagram works in parallel, which can also help. The characteristics of each element (qualitative and quantitative parameters) can be calculated, weighted, and flagged for any further opinions or peer evaluation.

Figure W.5 and Story 1 of HOME Section

Please read it by items: item (a) refers to the acceptance of the GDT and GHA by Human society. The reality of this task represents a robust argument platform stronger than "green" thinking. So, item TG (d) offers two options. Only to talk about the AI, specifically about the GDT and GHA needs, or to act in favor of the voters (most of the human population) and in developing the GDT and GHA to be active, e.g., via the SPC item (b). Don't be naive; following the red line should be a significant fault. What do you need?

To form and gain the TG and together with them develop and offer the new tool NPP, item (b), via the internet to gain the interest of FB, item (e). So, TG and FB gain a chance to test and operate the New Project Paradigm (NPP), item (c). The NPP is the core engine for entering the Infrastructure and Governance, I&G, item (f) for global and local task solutions. In any case, the TG and FB formations must act; mainly on the agenda of the I&G. They are still virtual bodies, and their faces must be gained. Both must first be formed on a joint and robust consensus of their interactions. It is assumed that the present administration structure will have the intellectual capacity to perform it if politicians bless it.

Dialectical diagrams saying:

  • The Cycle Diagram records (leads the core algorithm) and settles priorities in cycles.

  • The Dynamic Diagram offers space for accumulating (weighting) data and maturity of their definitions in steps of each process (in its core algorithm).

In summary, the Website deals with the procedures for preparing and implementing projects through new technologies to eliminate tendencies towards corruption and unfair practices and to strengthen the quality of projects through the 3E parameters (Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Economy). It chooses the path of gradual steps (slow growth in the complexity of projects entering a new environment). It is dedicated to supporting education (by entering the local systems of the existing educational system).

The Webbook navigates, involves, and motivates local capacities to understand, adapt, and act with the content of Target Group's (TG) philosophy, vision, and mission. The Webbook is ambitious to offer a platform for co-understanding of tasks of the 21. century.

Low-income provinces can strengthen their efforts to build their intellectual base to support the growth of economic performance and social freedom of residents on a provincial level. To utilize the opportunity to build your security and business positions in an environment of credible data (operational and statistical) for your plans and be equipped to control their fulfillment.

Especially for these purposes, the Webbook introduces the role of SPC Diamond. It emphasizes internal financial control and auditing methodology in a precise and patient mode of ascertaining the truth in such a broad and extended spectrum of Human SHIFT. This is the therapy developed and developing countries need for international trade growth, stability, and peaceful coexistence.

The message of the Website and Webbook (W&W) is to convince the reader that the W&W approach builds "win-win" results in both high and low-income provinces worldwide.

Please start reading.

Zdenek Chalus

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