This section aims to introduce the new Self-Powered Community website and the work on the Open Webbook. Their history, work background, and user environment, into which the Author enters and simultaneously tries to shape it.
The Website's Author owns its content and is the exclusive investor of all development works of the Self-Powered Community (SPC) consisting of the three segments SPC Concept, SPC Utility, SPC Drivers, and related examples. He builds on his experience and practice (see his biography) and is an independent researcher of the SPC approach. He works with a wide range of friends who prefer philanthropic values.
Work on the SPC Concept began around 2010. Later he founded the company 5PforRES s.r.o. The company aims to support and encourage a vision of the Self-Powered Community (SPC) and transfer it into mission steps. The company was founded in Prague in 2012, and the fate of this private company is still open. The company is free of burdens and external obligations. All work on the SPC development was carried out without subsidies, only with the soft support of natural persons from the private sector.
Looking back, I see I closed myself into the work for almost seven years. The reason was simple. If you believe in your opinion and those around you do not accept it, you have two options. To give up, stop your initiatives, or realize that you must do something yourself. Avoid external influences and close yourself to an imaginary "tower." To create the necessary space and time and work hard on your improvement. I have undergone this therapy. Among other things, I gained excellent internet time and learned the importance of not getting discouraged or distracted by unproductive influences.
I am an optimist and believe getting out of the imaginary "tower" in a new quality is possible. But it is far from just self-education. It is also about money and not only about it. It's about health, personal and family, and friends. Generally, our path to independence concerns self-belief, the happiness we need, perseverance, and accumulated resilience. These assumptions can significantly tame the risks more clearly seen in the imaginary "tower" environment.
I thank all my loved ones and friends for their favor, and I am sorry that I have had such limited communication with them during my self-isolation. I worked on stopping my idea to build a new SPC Center (based, e.g., on 5PforRES s.r.o.) and not doing this, not proceeding like this. Much more helpful is to respect distributed system principle and leave all the initial responsibility to those it belongs to them. To Target Group (TG) and Final Beneficiaries (FB).
The Author should cultivate the idea of the SPC, assist the NPP arguments gaining, be active in any testing apps (e.g., in the pilot projects), and step-by-step help to build the structure and content of needed complex data. To reach the SHIFT in the GT environment, the SPC should be the agenda of the TGs and FBs groups, especially in infrastructural governance.
It is the philosophy bone of the Webbook. It reflects trends of future distributed operations in infrastructure governance, the accountability for results, and their impacts on the global and local levels. More can be said via the Stories, e.g., below in Figure W5.
It summarizes the above in the form of a story presented via diagrams. This method is introduced in Section Home. Figure W5 describes the relationships between the Author and the SPC, specifically algorithms of the SPC Concept, SPC Utility, and SPC Drivers, underlining standard grading rules proposals of the internal financial controls and auditing for all projects and their stages.
All this concerns the umbrella of the project portfolio of all individual projects prepared and implemented in a standard province through one SPC Utility for one province. The goal is to present and further search for an appropriate and concise form of communicating the content of a complex task's six elements (priorities) via Dialectical Diagrams.
The Dialectical Diagram offers a structuralized form of the relationship between the Author and SPC. The red line path is a dream for nothing. The green course represents a logical sequence of six priorities of six elements in a repeatable cycle. It underlines the Author's focus on the New Project Paradigm (NPP) development, education, and dissemination. All in a pilot testing regime.
It looks like the most feasible path how form, involve, and gain both TG and FB groups. Webbook presents how to build the SPC worldwide philosophy and valuable apps for distributed operations in the science, development, project design methodology, project preparation, and implementation processes for the Infrastructure and Governance in situ on the local (provincial) level. Figure 5 offers a view of this issue.
Figure W.6 and Story 2 of ABOUT Section
The Author's research and the SPC development reached the point indicating two positions:
the Author can continue in a non-changeable style. There is a danger for him to be sad about staying only in paper outputs, or
the SPC will start its new business quality equipped with a good team and collective commitments in the necessary financial environment.
The most critical is the expected result. It is the entrance of SPC into a new business quality with a brilliant team strategy and collective commitments in a sustainable perspective financial environment.
There is only one way to start and succeed in the SPC, item (a). It is the green line. It means preparing a quality business plan and its implementation. Is it valid in general? Probably yes but preparing it for such an extensive scope is not a piece of cake. The Author's idea, item (d), is to complete, negotiate, and advocate the new Project Paradigm (NPP), item (b), and initiate communication and peer-to-peer advocacy among Target Group (TG), item (e). These initiatives will be aimed at preparing and implementing pilot projects, item (c). Pilot project results, publicly benchmarked, will strengthen the TG and Final Beneficiary (FB) cooperation on the governance issues. Then FB, item (f), will gain the motivation (know-how) how to support building the business value of relationships via the SPC memorandum, item (a), formed, e.g., by the Open Webbook. The proposed diagram’s cycles offer the most critical step for opening a further and more logical position for the Author's participation in the SPC development and implementation.
How can the Diagram help?E. g., through this diction: the Author, item (d), and his SPC, item (a), represents a model of the "SPC" cooking in the "pot" called Webbook. The "SPC" calls for new ingredients of "Artificial Intelligence" for the present project management and is too abstract (attractive) to be visible. But it is a substantial deal for IT scientists; experts should be interested in them. The SPC offers them a space for deeper pilot testing of new IT products, especially for capacity growth, competitiveness, and humanities visibility of their products. This challenge supports the indirect synergy between philanthropists and AI agenda (e.g., Blockchain and Smart Contracts) that will directly impact the partnership of the TG and FB in the giant shared data pool of the SPC projects development and implementation stages.
Dialectical diagrams saying:
The Cycle Diagram can be equipped for data records and operations monitoring of each of the six segments. Each algorithm (Cycle) will assist in the data maturity of each part of the relevant segment.
The Dynamic Grading Diagram follows the operations of the Cycle Diagram. It allows data and other items to be weight by segment important for operations monitoring, internal controlling, auditing, and more comprehensive evaluations.
Allow me to add these recommendations:
Search the Internet and learn to map and scale what interests you (for me, this means analyzing and understanding algorithms to find solutions to problems). It will lead you to a position that suits you. In other words, you will find ways to self-educate, argue, and sell what you learn.
The recommendation is for all of you who will be interested, and of course, I am thinking mainly of the final beneficiaries from the low-income provinces. Please accept the web as an entry into the era of distributed systems. The Open Webbook offers you new possibilities.
Don't be fooled by entering a multidimensional and multidisciplinary environment. You can best understand its complexity when you participate in examples of small projects you should prepare and implement yourself and get enough time to absorb them.
Please create your website and tell others about your entry into the distributed systems environment supporting the projects necessary to build development and strengthen security where you live in your province. Come out of the "bubble of your self-education and maturation" at the appropriate time and fight.