C2 Science, projects, models, tools, and assumption for digitalization

This chapter offers a view into the hierarchy of the super package of SED, DDR, and HA projects and introduces levels for data filters and data platform levels. 

Follows reflection on differences between the enlarged project preparation and implementation approach and a new proposed approach with an ambition to introduce a new project paradigm as an alternative. 

The Figures of this Chapter distinguish principles of activities from projects as a general methodology, as a structure for project digitalization.  

The logic of the text respects the position of the Human in the Great Triad (GT), who is aware of the risks, fragility, and temporality of his existence. The text offers a look at the moral connection between two tasks. One is the know-how in sustainability (profitability), and the other is the know-how of investments in sustainability (profitability). The measure of the sustainability of the Human depends on the wisdom of human individualities.  

The calculation of the profitability of the human society depends on their total efficiency in the GT - the sustainability and the profitability in the GT have only a long-term dual dimension: success or failure.

The text adheres to the thought of a discreet thinking world, where information, knowledge, thinking, and tasks exist scattered in many independent units and physical objects in any dimension of the GT. Their inanimate and living forms exist in various positions and groupings in space and time. They all have and respect their algorithms independently without systemically embedded faults. 

The author builds the Self-Powered Community concept on the assumption that these principles will change the existing philosophy, science, and research approaches in the project preparation and implementation processes. It will reflect the policies shaping the data environment (Data Lake) of investments in preparing, implementing, and evaluating SED, DRR, and HA projects.

It is a pragmatic view on the integrity of philosophy, science, and research to describe the Human position in the Great Triad (GT). The integrity of scientific disciplines is desirable. The sustainability and profitability of the Human in GT clarifies the content and reshapes the form of climate change from "one-way" threats (e.g., climate change through carbon growth in the atmosphere) to the multidimensional understanding of processes in the GT.  

The aim is to cover the whole data field of humanity's problem and offer the necessary hierarchy and structure of data to human communication about threats and disasters in an everyday environment with Nature on the Earth (including the nearest Universe). 

The more profound integrity of philosophy, science, and research, and the more precise definitions of their disciplines (with links to the GT), is a way to gain integrity in the Human know-how for the challenges addressed. 

The subjects of further chapters of this chapter are the explanation of this definition and demonstration of paths to unify its content and form in a typical Dada Lake. Nevertheless, the first opportunity to start thinking about the content of this chapter is bringing Figure C2a.

The aim is to indicate the development and security potential of today's world (As Is) in the light of algorithms of emerging technologies (To Be). All through interconnecting artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), value chains (VC), and 5th generation (5G) in the Ecosystem of intelligent factories and communities in the developed and developing world. 

The development and security potential of today's world, represented by the millions of projects (their algorithms) that are constantly emerging, implemented, completed, and surpassing, covers social and economic development (SED), disaster risk reduction (DRR) responses, and experience with humanitarian aid projects (HA). 

The frequently mentioned connections between Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and DRR in the literature are presented here as a subset of natural risks. So DRR projects affect the preparation and implementation of all Social and Economic Development (SED) projects in any locality worldwide (in any province). This simplification is because, in this webbook, we talk about the CCA, like about projects that use the same project management methodology as SED projects.

A summary demonstrates Figure C2a. The super package of projects and their definitions (SED, DRR, and HA) presents its value in the framework of the Algorithmic Framework Theory (AFT) and its Disciplinary Matrix (DM) as a Science Paradigm.  Super package means an excellent environment for new project paradigm discovery. 

The table below indicates searching for a new project paradigm derived from the links to the fantastic package of SED, DRR, HA projects, and organizations that work with these mostly capital projects. Details of the table supplement the links (pop-ups) below the table.

Figures of C2