F2 – New Project Paradigm (NPP)

Webbook presents the Self-Powered Community (SPC) role in two the most significant directions: Global Digital Transformation (GDT) and Global Human Adaptation (GHA). Harmony and success of both these directions give the Human population hopes to gain self-power to protect and stabilize his/her position in the GT environment (see Figure A1). 

F2a Global Digital Transformation (GDT)

Industry the 4th is the engine of this transformation. GDT is both a threatening and a fantastic opportunity. It is still a big unknown venture for projects and organizations needed modifications (e.g., cloud computing, big data and analytics, mobility, social media, and cybersecurity). By internet sources, the demand for digital transformation is expected to reach US$ units of trillions in 2032 and flourish four times in the coming ten years. The webbook noticed GDT in the field of projects suitable for the environment of SPC Drivers and prepared and implemented them in SPC Utility unit networks for low-income provinces.

F2b Global Human Adaptation (GHA)

It is because the Human represents a soft component in the GT partnership, and any significant faults on his/her side are fatal for them, not for Nature and Earth. Therefore, the balance between GDT and GHA is crucial for their sustainability. Together the synergy of all three partners of the GT gives us, people, the basic orientation of our being in partnership with global space-time. 

The webbook does not present the GHA as a "manual" of an individual, a team, or a collective life. It seeks to define an environment in which project roles, scope, and activities are more explainable. It tries to uncover and motivate the potential of current TGs and FBs for mutual understanding on the paths of selection, preparation, and implementation of projects. 

F2c Investment (procurement) and Human behavior

It should be their common interest to keep the Spin of the lives of individuals, teams, and collectives in a favorable position (see Figure C6c.2). On the other hand, challenges of this type have accompanied the human population for millennia. Optimism has always believed that one day, people will understand the meaning of good and evil. But not as an argument of the absolute truth (e.g., of a dominant predator) but as a reality of the biological processes of species selection. 

For both directions, GDT and GHA, it is the law (principle) of the diversity of life in the GT environment to sustain them to give the sense (please, see Figure C6c.1 / Figure C6c.2 again). Another view is presented via two SHIFTS, an improvement:

  • Procurement

    In the Investment (e.g., procurement) processes via the New Project Paradigm, NPP (see Figure C10d.4). The SHIFT in the Procurement processes at the As-Is stage needs the harmony between present Project Management (PM) and education (in a general sense). PM is a goal, and education is the path to strengthening supply chains for the project's orchestration building. Education at this stage means assumptions to enter (sustainability) competitive markets. 

    The As-Is stage needs a more profound understanding of the project's scope for the New Project Paradigm (NPP), e.g., for the growing deepening of the human-machines relationships. The To-Be stage expects skills to gain value for competitive operations on the market. It is the principal difference between the As-Is and To-Be stages. The SHIFT of skills is the goal of the To-Be stage. The specific detail is about SHIFT in Procurement operations; yes, it is about business on the global market. 

  • Human Behavior

    Human Behavior and Thinking via building the Self-Powered Community, SPC (see Figure C10d.5) will be more analyzed in this Chapter. The SHIFT in Human Behavior and Thinking at the As-Is stage needs harmony between newly arriving methodologies and the structure (hierarchy) of the scope of projects (SED, DRR, and HA projects).

Methodology deepening and broader synergy of its content is the goal (its adaptation to operations of machines, and the human creativity and thinking, see needs of education), and project preparation and implementation, as is demand. It is the path for the SPC concept building. 

The As-Is stage needs a more profound understanding of what the SHIFT means for NPP penetration into the broad spectrum of the permanently growing human population. The To-Be stage expects transformations to bring a deeper understanding of the triads' contents (GT, TT, and PT) on the Internet platforms and broadly utilize the NPP's added values.

The To-Be stage is found in implementing new technologies (e.g., Blockchain and Smart Contracts). It represents a colossal effort of present and coming generations to SHIFT the current stage to a position in the future. The SPC Concept has the ambition to add value to such venture.