E3. SPC Drivers
Table Ex.1 reflects the four primary purposes of the UN Charter: maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations, and promoting social progress, better living standards, and human rights. The scope of UN general tasks is an assignment for the crucial functions of the SPC Concept.
The UN is the highest force that brings countries' interests together, and the SPC Concept is one of the initiatives. So, for the SPC Concept, it looks optimistic, and the timing is excellent. The UN scheduled the SDG Summit for September 2023, and the Summit of the Future (SOTF) will occur in September 2024.
SPC Drivers by Table Ex.1 and the SPC Utility operations (see Chapter D) supplement the UN effort with the pragmatical (operational) level via four sets of drivers:
WEMAF: water (W), electricity (E), material (M), and atmosphere (A). The content of these classical (core) antique components reflects Aristotle's statement, "When something has no owner, nobody cares about anything." So, the SPC Concept gained the justification to add another element, finance (F), without which the life of present generations could not exist. (W) means access to drinking water, and (E) access to electricity gained from renewable sources. Table Ex.1 shifts the classical energy sources into the Sector "Services".
Coal, oil, and gas are classified as dead (black) biomass buried by the Earth in underground and undersea localities with the potential to serve fast the needs of humans. On the other side, this dead biomass can transform the Earth's atmosphere for a long time into an unfamiliar environment, killing (transforming, changing) the current life of Nature (as well as humans).
Such a feature is generally known as a "frog effect." It warns that Nature can sustain life and safety (at least at present quality) only if the Human respect that the "Carbon Cycle" should (must) be under the control of the two other partners in the GT (Nature and the Earth). Several Summits and many professional conferences confirmed it. This matter is broadly known, but it is not respected.
Drivers (M) is about materials for Production and covers everything humans need for physical Production. (A) has two positions in the same environment. The first is the freedom to live and breathe. The second is more comprehensive; it is the atmosphere functions. (F) was explained above.
HEHEC, FJTMI, and SBRVB are sets of derived drivers and represent Human creativity for gaining a broader scope for his/her being in the GT environment. It is about three sets of five drivers (each one has its finger of the Human's hand) on a track from the As-Is state to the To-Be.
HEDEC: health (He), education (Ed), disaster (Di), environment (En), and capital (Ca). For any live object, it means access to the value of health, the usefulness of education, the position to partner in a disaster, and understanding how capital is essential for human sustainability in the GT environment.
FJTMI: food (Fu), job skills (Js), things (Th), mobility (Mo), and investment (In). Similarly, any live object needs food, needs skills for jobs to have many things on hand in the mobility of the environment of his/her investment plans in the urban, peri-urban, and rural areas worldwide.
SBHRB contents: soil (So), biomass (Bi), housing (HO), resilience (Re), and banking (Be). Any live object needs soil to live. On soil (earth, ground) exist biomass (in any live or buried forms). Almost all life objects must-have for his/her living needs, housing, and somewhere. To take care of his/her resilience. These activities need capacity. For the human population, innovative banking integrates access to finance, helps build capital, opens investment opportunities, and has the power to guarantee housing sustainability (can reflect its quantity and react to its quality demands).