D5. Hypothetical model is outlined

The SPC approach and functions of the Utility and SPC Drivers will bring new projects. It will mature the success of a public spending orchestration via a synergy of management and organizational skills in a new human-machine relationship. It will become an example to penetrate any province worldwide.

The path leads through the financial, capital, investment, and banking services growth in situ, namely of Local Governance Units (LGUs) and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). All is about the investment in the Infrastructure and Governance (I&G) projects via the new FINTECH tools, mainly the Blanding Financing.

That sounds nice, and it's certainly not a fairy tale. For me, it is a case of a path to the truth about a fantastic business. Please pay attention to this example. For a deeper understanding of the SPC Concept proposal, let's open this an example model:

  • It is built on a broad span of the implication of Blanding Finance. It simulates a package of a mix of loans for three billion current inhabitants of low-income provinces.

  • This assumption allows thinking about putting in operations about 3000 units of the SPC Utility. It causes that, on average, there will be 3000 provinces, each with nearly one million inhabitants in the game.

  • For this model, suppose each SPC Utility obtains a mix of long-term loans for $100 million with maturities of up to 30 years (in a blend of 30, 10, and less than five years of repayments). The model works with floating 30 years intervals for the coming period after the UN SDG program.

  • If all 3000 SPC Utilities operate simultaneously, yearly, $100 billion will be in healthy circulation under the long-term repayment schedule for 30 years.

  • In parallel, new project preparation and implementation procedures will be developed, and obtained results will be tested locally. Unique and complex data for design, statistics, risks, and analytics will grow in human-machine operations; the impacts of AI will be more readable.

In the 21st Century, with the milestone of 2030, the two steps of the UN's efforts to solve the people's problems in the GT environment end. The first step was from 2000-2015, The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and the second was from 2015-2030 (SDGs).

It opens new doors for the 21st Century. Each period of 30 years (as a time unit of generation relative to an individual, team, or collective) will generate a financial flow channel with measurable data with a readable potential of a new statistical framework for future predictions.

Each SPC Utility, e.g., can have a floating interval of 30 years to start, operate, and reinvest earnings to have a clean table at the end of this period. Its budget will be under strict internal financial control and auditable each year, checked and actualized every five years in a consistent planning framework for 30 years.

For our model, the following time frame for SPC can be adopted: by 2040, debug and fine-tune the pilot applications and then implement two thirty-year cycles. Each SPC Utility can gain a floating interval of 30 years to start, operate, and reinvest earnings to have a clean table at the end of each checking period.

Why this time frame? It is not planning; it is an example of the time required to consolidate the position of the Human in the GT environment; in the sense of the introduced goals. This framework shows how much time people in this Century could devote to preparing, implementing, and testing GDT and GHA goals.

GDT and GHA offer an environment to strengthen the Human to resist the influences that limit him/her life. For example, to restrict the declining relationship to the changes that new technologies are bringing (e.g., to understand digitization) and to strengthen the ethics of human behavior in globalization (e.g., to understand democracy in globalization).

Why the reminder of the two steps of MDGs and SDGs? Indeed, to make it clear how important it is to move from strategies (defined goals) to strategy, tactics, and the implementation of processes that condition the fulfillment of purposes. In other words, how to engage development projects and production and service organizations.

Yes, to engage development projects and production and service organizations in such a way that the achieved results of the MDGs and SDGs will enter the processes of preparation and implementation of SED, DRR, and HA projects and into the business plans and production processes and services of organizations worldwide.

It allows data to be born and navigated in uniform statistical stocks. So data will be consistent and measurable, and their business, democratic, and ethical content will be disseminated via the Internet, publicly, with rapid response.

It is how to generate new data and build stocks for worldwide apps. To update know-how on managing data that will be consistent and measurable, suitable for physical and virtual benchmarking, with credible content for business negotiations, democratic processes, and the consolidation of ethical values. We can obtain, manage, and update quality data in this way; their content can be safely and productively distributed over the Internet with a quick response.

What will the current financial, capital, investment, and banking world say? It's hard to predict this, but this would be the SHIFT financial professionals are crying out for. In any case, it would be a key milestone, especially in the phase of start-up financing of pilot projects and for the expansion of FINTECH from banks to clients.

The financial world has severe problems on a global scale. Capital has sold into the growing disparity of ownership of assets between the rich and the poor, investments in projects fail to follow the ever-increasing need, and the influence of corruption and low return on money spent. Banks would benefit from the SHIFT and welcome an increase in the flow of financial flows.

It is true that funds are and are liquid as long as projects flow and support the profitability and purpose of organizations. There are many ways to approach the interplay of the function of finance, the size of capital, the efficiency and profitability of investments, and finally, the role of the banking world.

For relief, I would like to add the path from Jane's conversation with her father over 30 years, every ten years, in total three times (see more in Chapter C7d). The interview is focused on how quickly 30 years fly by when a family and their care for their children are at stake.

Jana came to the opinion that "bankers should change their behavior and differentiate the evaluation of credit risks; when my father is going to buy a new car and when he and my mother need a financial background for the stability of our family, for my younger brother and me, for about in total 30 years."

The conversation develops optimistically from the general views of the life of the daughter and the father: it takes place in the period of the daughter's maturation until her independence and in the period from the father's certainty of opinion to the beginning of his aging. In short, in the family, 30 is a period of reckoning, a cycle of one generation, and is a good deal article for banks.

If this option is neglected, even unutilized, and families are financially neglected or not supported, the upbringing of children does not sound good, certainly not for society. The opposite is true. Healthy and prosperous families are its engine if we discuss positive societal synergy.

It evocates another question. Where are the finances and capital? Certainly not only in banks but also, often above all, with funds and asset managers. Here are three examples just for reference:

  1. The world's 100 most considerable pension and sovereign wealth funds manage assets worth over $19 trillion, 1.7% more than last year (November 2019).

    Pension funds have a large amount of money to invest and are financed by up to five generations active in the labor market (funded by employees, employers, or both). In some countries, it may be state-owned or privately owned.

    A pension fund, also known as a pension fund in some countries, is any plan, fund, or scheme that provides retirement income. Pension funds usually have large amounts of money to invest and are major investors in listed and private companies (Wikipedia).

  2. The world's largest Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) as of December 2022 was China Investment Corporation (CIC), managing assets reaching around 1.35 trillion U.S. dollars.

    Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF), a sovereign investment fund, or a social wealth fund is a state investment fund.

    The fund can invest in any opportunity, including financial assets such as stocks and bonds, real estate, precious metals, and start-ups, to earn a return on investment, often linked to a social purpose.

    Governments typically create sovereign wealth funds when they have excess money and put it to use rather than simply storing it in a central bank or channeling it back into the Economy (Wikipedia).

  3. BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with US$10 trillion in assets under management as of January 2022.

    BlackRock, Inc. is an American multinational investment company based in New York City. Founded in 1988 as a risk management and fixed-income institutional asset manager, BlackRock operates globally with 70 offices in 30 countries and clients in 100 countries.

    BlackRock has sought to position itself as an industry leader in environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). The company has faced criticism for worsening climate change, its close ties with the Federal Reserve System during the COVID-19 pandemic, anti-competitive behavior, and its unprecedented investments in China (Wikipedia).

Presented portion of the money, capital, investment opportunities, and needs of banking services is a considerable challenge, inspiration to be precise, focused on straightforward operation, and test them. The Author's team has the ambition to be a partner in building the global understanding of the GDT and GHA and would like to gain the opportunity to contribute to this worldwide understanding via the Self-Powered Community projects preparation and implementation.