Figure C5d.2, Figure C5d.3, Figure C5d.4 Scope of goods and services in the different triads

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Figure C5d.2 Scope of goods and services in the Great Triad (GT); in As-Is stage

Figure C5d.3 Scope of goods and services in the Task Triad (TT); in To-Be stage

Figure C5d.4 Scope of goods and services in the Project Triade (PT)

Figure C5d.2 Scope of goods and services in the Great Triad (GT); in As-Is stage

Figure C5d.3 Scope of goods and services in the Task Triad (TT); in To-Be stage

Figure C5d.4 Scope of goods and services in the Project Triade (PT)

Figures C5d.2, 3, 4 explain the mission of individual triads. Allows the reader to create their observer position in a complex composition (in a uniform triad's design of the indicated processes). Questions arise as to why the reader should do this for personal needs.

The answer is simple; digital transformation is a commonly used term that tunes incoming changes. Therefore, what has the link to this should have a vision of rearranging the present view into the future mission. What changes will it be?

We do not know this yet, nor do we know the risks associated with such changes. If the digital transformation is not adequate to the needs of necessary integrity, it will end halfway and bring us unforeseen problems. Mainly chaos, non-transparency, and the deepening of digital inclusion are critical risks.

We all must look for the paths back to biological applications by simple common sense. Half-solutions do not end otherwise. Therefore, the digital transformation requires mutual communication in an interdisciplinary and international environment.

Reader's challenge through this webbook and SPC Concept proposal indicates how to arrange access to solving this task.

Dealing with a comprehensive approach to what is happening around us (especially to the recognizable processes) is not a new challenge. Coping with a comprehensive approach to what is happening around us (incredibly recognizable techniques) is not a new challenge.

We know it from the times of Aristotle and Confucius, from many other scholars to the present day.

Thomas Samuel Kuhn and his work "The Structure of Science Revolution," elaborated in 1962, represent the current direction of perceiving complex problems and their risks. At stake still is how to solve our civilization.

How the tools at the disposal of humanity work: free-market democracy, collections of laws of national governments, including some central coordination, such as the United Nations and the World Bank, and computers in all of it.

If these tools have helped solve the main problems of the industrial revolutions, the two world wars, the Cold War, and the economic crisis, then in the 21st century, they are no longer enough to solve global problems. Now it is a commonly accepted consensus.

The text of this webbook spreads optimism. It transfers complex problems from science to digital transformation and presents projects as tools for preparing, implementing, and sustaining any future change.

Figure C5e offers a way to share the application of the Kuhn Cycle from the field of science to applications in technology and economics.

Explains the importance of this cycle for organizations and projects. It confirms that organizations have a range of procedures and tasks (projects) involved in the digital transformation processes of their activities in development, security, and business.

It reminds us that the digital inclusion problem between high- and low-income countries is growing, and the project management cycle reflects this status.

Figure C5e indicates a path of comparing science, organizations, and project cycles in a framework of the present world's project management "normal" processes.

The current project management know-how is a unique tool for high- and low-income localities worldwide.

The steps of this cycle are logical and proven in practice, but their path of electronic transformations for the digital world environment sounds like an "old" paradigm. 

The project management path reached the Model Crisis stage by the Kuhn cycle.