Chapter A Intention

The Open Webbook outlines the mission and vision of the Self-Powered Community project and introduces its motivation, navigation, and final view on the value gained. Open Webbook will specify needs, methodology, stock of data, information, instruction, etc., and outline communication proposals among Target Groups (TG) and Final Beneficiaries (FB) on local and global levels. 

It is open to covering the role of local languages, the Internet, and the influences of "ML&AI." It inspires local high schools and universities to form complex education, training, and sustainable human behavior by the model of the Great Triad (GT) environment. It offers to uncover programming pitfalls on the way to the New Project Paradigm for organizations' operations under data generated by the project of their needs, e.g., for preparation, and implementation of new business ideas, incentives, opportunities, and safety risks.

This Chapter A (will) summarize all completed B, C, D, E, and F Chapters and (will) offer annotation of the coming steps of the Self-Powered Community project preparation and implementation. Primarily, Chapters D and E are still under preparation and will be completed in 2023. The next innovation of the Open Webbook is supposed to be around 2025.

The chapter summarizes the stage of the Open Webbook content at the "As-Is" time with a shared vision and mission assumptions views of the time "To-Be." Summarizes ideas, research findings, and proposals known at present and still open for improvement and common inter-joining into a feasible package of tasks with high added value.

Webbook outlines the mission and vision of the Self-Powered Community project. SPC strategy and publicity procedures for Target Group (TG) and Final Beneficiaries (FB). Introduces them to the paths to motivation and navigation to reach their goals. It is about how to gain the final value via this project. Specifies needs, methodology, stock of data, information, instruction, etc., and outlines communication proposals for a deeper understanding of the Self-Powered Community project and its internal and external relationships to the broader surroundings (e.g., in the spectrum of the SPC Drivers and Sectors, see Chapter E). Webbook will respect the value of local languages, the Internet, and the influences of "ML&AI" on new thinking and behavior and the education and training of people, primarily in low-income provinces.

The Self-Powered Community (SPC)

The Self-Powered Community (SPC) project is a composition of three directions of research: SPC Concept (what is needed to do now), SPC Utility (how and with whom to succeed), and SPC Drivers (why and where to do it). A simple SWOT and BOCR analysis can generate answers for any reader if the Open Webbook is or is not a value for him/her. 

Remember that the Open Webbook is still in process. Even so, needed inputs are displayed. In completed Chapter C, in others "pre-cooked" chapters D, E, F, and in Geneses and References on the bar of this Webbook. The Summary of the Self-Powered Community will content:

SPC Concept

Chapters A, B, C, D, E, and F indicate how the SPC Concept projects are positioned in worldwide project environments (on the UN, National, and Provincial levels, in any urban, peri-urban, and rural areas). They create questions and offer answers. Where is the potential to gain banking, governing, consulting, NGO, and philanthropist sectors in preparing and implementing the Global Digital Transformation (GDT) and the Global Human Adaptation (GHA)? 

Or otherwise, what type of added value is needed, and how can it be added via the Self-Powered Community project projects to low-income provinces' social, economic, and safety change? Worldwide? How to gain success? Are low-income provinces the best starting point?

SPC Utility

Chapters of the Webbook explore the potential of SPC Utility services. They will be concerned with revitalizing (resuscitating) people's thinking and behavior for their entry into GDT and GHA project preparation and implementation initiatives. This approach can help reveal how to make the Human (a partner of the GT) active and vigorous representative of the administration of their complete existence. The aim is not to fall into a philosophical discussion but introduce the principal issue of how to succeed. 

The operational activities of the SPC Utility will outline (propose) new technology and social inputs. For example, through the entrance of the new project paradigm and deeper involvement of machines (computers) in local decision processes. 

It looks like an incredibly complicated theoretical work distant from reality. But the opposite is true. The focus on the low-income provinces, their informal legal environment, and the demonstration of understandable examples have a chance to prove this approach's feasibility and value. It has a direct impact on other issues. For example, climate change risks management, local wars problems, and businesses of high-income countries will get new inspirations. 

The critical is data deficit, generally, not only for the climate change agenda. Open Webbook is focused on Data for the GT functions understanding of both main streams: a) Data for project management and organizational and business processes of organizations; b) Data for statistics needs and benchmarking operations. Both items (a and b) must form one transparent entity for two data streams (see Chapters D and E). 

SPC Drivers

The Webbook is about the internal and external relationships of the SPC Drivers to the SPC Utility operability and SPC Concept philosophy. The SPC Drivers respect geopolitical issues and reflect the reality of the Human in the GT environment. His/her will to live, natural intelligence, and the power to resist gender selfishness is based on how to overcome threats in the GT environment. 

It is about known problems discussed on many levels of the present social clusters worldwide (e.g., by summits members, scientists, environmentalists, or simply by members of any family that loves their and children's life). 

It does not look like aa an unrealistic approach. The SPC Drivers are about steps forward and priorities forming the success of the SPC Utility services, which reflect the SPC Concept goals. SPC Drivers are arranged in a matrix frame. Horizontally are divided into five sectors (Sources, Services, Production, Freedom, and Finance) and vertically into four groups of drivers with five elements. The Open Webbook present them in more detail.

Examples and lessons learned

The Webbook explains the relationship between As-Is and To-Be time states. When we look back (into history) and hear what is being talked about, what was, what was planned, and what was invested, we see many good and bad decisions and missed opportunities. It is about the past and what would have been (the chance to be more educated, ethical, trained, experienced, knowledgeable, etc.). 

On the contrary, the As-Is state is essential for life under pressure. It is a condition in which we put what was (what happened, what we learned, experienced something, etc.) as inputs for our decisions about what will be. The state To-Be is being formed. But we enter the To-Be state randomly, usually in fuzzy, unpredictable environments (e.g., the state of volcanic eruptions, weather, or the effects of election results, all this exists around us anywhere in the world).

An example is the content of Chapter E, Projects Examples. Through photographs and short comments, a random overview of the investments in the low-income provinces made in the structure of the driver matrix is ​​presented. Photos indicate what was done (in the preparation and implementation of individual projects) with links to other chapters and the goals of the Self-Powered Community project. 

In other words, the Webbook is about repeating a chain of procedures of the Human existence in the GT environment. We are still turning over old and new things and ideas in a short shot (moment) of the long-time face of the Earth and the real-life functions of Nature. It is how we drown in settings of many misunderstandings, accompanied by the loss of freedom, individuals, teams, and collectives.

We need system thinking to understand ethics and more time to master our will for freedom. Today, computers, "AI & ML," lead us to a structured knowledge of who and where we are (leads us to education). They teach us to understand "Big Data," the probability of phenomena, the relativity of their value, and the truth about our being. They offer us our re-education and return to the processes of Nature. They assist us in gradually attenuating and excluding specific human selfishness from the Great Triad (GT) environment.